Frase Is Better Than ChatGPT If You Want SEO-Optimised Content That Ranks

ChatGPT is getting the media exposure, but Frase is the best AI writer on the market with SEO optimisation features to make content that ranks

ChatGPT with it’s free model made a huge splash in the media, but is it the right solution for your business?

From a content marketing and SEO perspective you need something better, and that’s where Frase comes in.

Frase runs alongside an analysis of the top 20 search results for the search query you specify.

Watch the video above to see how it creates an article outline and generates content for you…


0:00 Intro
0:33 ChatGPT & why you shouldn’t use It
1:42 Frase AI Intro – Setting it up to consider the top 20 results for a search query
4:26 Creating an article outline with AI
5:30 Generating an AI draft for your article
8:10 Making sure it is unique
9:00 Proofreading and optimising

Frase uses the GPT-3 API (just like ChatGPT) but has a better process for helping you produce content that is more likely to rank in search engines. It comes with pre-done prompts and templates for creating content, as well as giving you the ability to save your own AI templates. Starts from $USD15/month with a 5 day trial for $1.