Social Media Strategies To Develop Content

If you don't have content then you don't have a Social Media Strategy. So how do you get good content? Brad from the Online Marketing Institute shares his insights in this video and I wanted to share it with you because he covers a lot very succinctly.

If you don’t have content then you don’t have a Social Media Strategy. So how do you get good content? Brad from the Online Marketing Institute shares his insights in this video and I wanted to share it with you because he covers a lot very succinctly.

In particular he talks about using Twitter to listen to your followers and see what your potential customers are tweeting about. Some valuable tips, that I use and set up for my clients, are shared on how to automate some of that process too.

He mentions the big social site Facebook and lists a number of reasons why businesses need to take this big pond seriously and grab the opportunity to brand themselves in this place. I must admit, it really does shock me to know some businesses are still not considering how to leverage the potential list of customers they can access by providing some sort of information relevant to their niche industry…

At the end of the video he talks about possible KPI (Key Performance Indicator) strategies to interpret what social media marketing is effective and what’s not working. How to decide what is important to track – is it the traffic? the conversions or the potential customers opting in to receive your regular email updates? For every business it will be a different priority depending what stage of their business is at.

Brad covered a lot of what businesses need to hear when deciding on whether to use social media marketing. The why use it, when to use it and how to evaluate it. Wish there were more videos that would get straight to the point like this one!